Tip of the Week: PWS Awareness Month (Week 2)

In honor of Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month, we’re sharing a “Tip of the Day” on social media throughout the month of May. Here are this week’s tips: Individuals with PWS have low muscle tone. Daily exercise is essential for maintaining the muscle tone that they have, improving stamina, and working toward—or staying at—their goal weight.…

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Tip of the Week: PWS Awareness Month (Week 1)

In honor of Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month, we’re sharing a “Tip of the Day” on social media throughout the month of May. Here are this week’s tips: Children and adults living with PWS often struggle with regulating their emotions and impulses. Keeping a predictable daily routine can often help to keep anxiety down. Many people…

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TIP of the WEEK: PWS Awareness Month

To those of us in the PWS community spreading awareness happens everyday. At each doctors appointment, IEP, sometimes even a trip to the store ends up spreading more awareness than we care to spread! But for one month each year we get to unabashedly talk about the syndrome that we love to everyone and anyone…

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TIP of the WEEK: The End of May

It never fails to strike me how our tiny community comes together during the month of May. We use social media, fundraisers, and gatherings to teach the world about PWS. Some of us share the beauty of the syndrome while others share their darkest days all to educate those outside of our community what it…

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TIP of the WEEK: PWS Month: Week Two

  We all know that people with PWS have challenges- challenges with school, social interactions, emotion regulation, medical complications and the list goes on. But during week two of PWS Awareness Month I want us to remember the good stuff, the stuff that can get lost in that list of struggles.   People with PWS…

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Educational Staff and Students Wear Orange for PWS Awareness Month

PWS FACTS:   1. How many people have Prader-Willi syndrome? It is estimated that one in 12,000 to 15,000 people has PWS.  Although considered a “rare” disorder, PWS is one of the most common conditions seen in genetic clinics and is the most common genetic cause of obesity that has been identified to date.  …

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