Posts Tagged ‘principals corner’
Principal’s Corner: Appreciation at Latham School
As the end of the school year rapidly approaches, we reflect on the year and are inspired and awe-struck by the lessons our students teach us daily; the most vulnerable among us show us what appreciation means in the most empowering and uplifting ways. Our students go above and beyond to make sure not only…
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner: Student’s remarkable transition credited to our dedicated staff
Our Children’s Program staff members continually impress me with their consistency, dedication, and ability to make Latham a place our students can call home. Although our supervisors express appreciation to staff as often as possible, in this Principal’s Corner I’d like to share one of our positive outcomes with Latham’s wider circle of colleagues, families,…
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner: March Activities on Campus
The students and staff are highly anticipating the month of March. With the prospect of beautiful weather and the fun of St. Patrick’s Day, students can’t wait for the activities to ensue!
Read MoreStudents Learn about the Digestive System
Last week at Latham Centers students learned about the human digestive system. Teachers and aides turned this not only into a science lesson but an art lesson as well – toilet paper roll the for the esophagus, felt for the stomach, cotton balls for the large intestine, and pipe cleaners for the small intestines. While…
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner!
Before the close of school last year the class participated in “Field Day 2016”. The class had a great time creating a Jamaican Bobsled, team t-shirts, and posters for the field. There was a great deal of laughter while partaking in all of the fun filled activities. During the Summertide Program the students were able…
Read MoreHealth and Wellness at Latham Centers: New Components to Physical Education
Another summer has ended and the school year is finally here. This year the Latham community has redirected its focus to Health & Wellness. During Physical Education the students will focus on the experiences, skills and knowledge to discovering and developing their own physical literacy. We will focus on the ability to feel confident and…
Read MoreLatham Students Visit Monomoy Island during End of Summer SummerTide Field Trip
As one of the many field trips taken by the students during the SummerTide Excursions, they went on the Monomoy Island Seal Tours. This is ALWAYS one of their favorites, and something they look forward to throughout the entire summer. Take a peek at these great photos!
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner: Marconi Classroom on Campus
This winter the students of Marconi are working hard in our “Where in the World” is Marconi class! In this class the students of Marconi are exploring different countries and their diverse cultures! We have created passports, customized them and are ready to stamp them and fill them in with information that we discover about…
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner: Protecting Animals and the Environment
The students of the Long Pond classroom have been working diligently these past few weeks to complete their Biology projects. We have been learning about ecosystems, and the animals that inhabit them. Everyone learned about animals such as polar bears, and the thick fur and blubber they have to survive the bitter cold of the…
Read MorePrincipal’s Corner: MCAS Fall Retests Complete!
Many of the students at Latham Centers are from Massachusetts. Depending on his or her difficulties and ability to achieve a high school diploma, he or she is a candidate to participate in the MCAS or MCAS Alt. This November, two of our students have participated in the MCAS Fall Retests for Math and…
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