Many of the students at Latham Centers are from Massachusetts. Depending on his or her difficulties and ability to achieve a high school diploma, he or she is a candidate to participate in the MCAS or MCAS Alt. This November, two of our students have participated in the MCAS Fall Retests for Math and English Language Arts and four students are participating in the MCAS Alt. Once a student passes his or her MCAS or MCAS Alt they are eligible to graduate with a High School Diploma from within their district, as well as a Certificate of Completion from Latham Centers. When considering the history and diagnoses of each student, this is truly a feat.
As described by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, “The MCAS is designed to measure a student’s knowledge of key concepts and skills outlined in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. A small number of students with the most significant disabilities who are unable to take the standard MCAS tests even with accommodations participate in the MCAS Alternate Assessment (MCAS-Alt). MCAS-Alt consists of a portfolio of specific materials collected annually by the teacher and student. Evidence for the portfolio may include work samples, instructional data, videotapes, and other supporting information.”
Teachers and aides have been working tirelessly with our students to assist them in passing their state testing. Teacher’s and aides use curriculum driven by the common core and Massachusetts Frameworks to assist the students in accessing curriculum that is widely used on the tests.
This November, many of our teachers also attended an MCAS Alt training in Taunton, MA, where they learned how to implement and create a portfolio for the Alternate Assessment in Massachusetts. Four of our students have begun creating work samples to show progress in many areas including English, Language Arts, Math, and Science. The Latham School will continue to administer and prepare for state testing in the winter and spring semesters of the school year.