TIP of the WEEK: Teaching Vocational Skills

March 7, 2014

The framework for building vocational skills starts at a very early age. The less you do for your child early on the more independent and adaptable they will be later in life when it is time to begin working. Children who are accustomed to pushing their limits, problem solving and taking accountability will be far…

TIP of the WEEK: Loving Someone Rare

February 28, 2014

Your child is not their IQ score or their new diagnosis from a recent psych eval. She is not how many steps she can take at the age that some other children are when they take their first steps. He is not his tantrums or his scars from picking. Your child is not a problem…

TIP of the WEEK: Focusing in the Classroom

February 21, 2014

Getting and keeping the attention of a child with PWS in class can be a difficult task but there are ways to engage and help to keep them focused. 1. Whisper. My personal favorite. If your child is yelling, crying or having a tantrum- whisper. They will often be so intrigued by what you are…

TIP of the WEEK: The Art and Science of a Good Nights Sleep

February 14, 2014

Everyone needs a good nights sleep. So often we hear from parents of children with PWS that their child struggles with sleep issues. Whether they struggle to fall asleep, wake easily, too often throughout the night or too early in the morning, at some point most kids with PWS will have sleep issues. First, a…


February 6, 2014

There is great sadness in the world-wide PWS family today. A person I have never met, a parent in another country has lost her baby with PWS to illness. The details are not important. That I never met the woman is not important. The hole I feel in my heart for her, her husband and…

TIP of the WEEK: Getting Back into a Routine

January 17, 2014

Getting back into a routine after the holidays is the best way to move your family away from the chaos of the last two months and get back to some semblance of normalcy. Here are some ways to help you get back on track. Be realistic. It doesn’t matter if all of the other families…

Righting My Ship

January 15, 2014

Apparently I managed to beat it out of Dodge before the snow and freezing temps landed on my home shores. I had never heard the term “artic vortex” before and to be perfectly honest, I was happy to be in the tropics and not here when it arrived.  Back at work now, in my office,…

Latham Gives and Receives: The Magic of Generosity and Belonging

January 13, 2014

“For it is in giving that we receive.” ~St. Francis of Assisi It can be easy to miss the good when we spend so much time focusing on how to fix what we perceive as the problems with individuals with PWS. The truth is, there is more amazing, breathtaking and to put it simply, good than…

TIP of the WEEK: Learning ADL Skills

January 10, 2014

Being able to perform activities of daily living without support is a crucial part of growing up and working towards independence. Even if your child will always require some degree of support it is important for their self esteem and long term placement options to be able to care for themselves as much as possible.…

Oh the places we go!

December 30, 2013

I am humbled to see where Latham’s blog has been read in the last few days. I don’t know who you are, only that for some reason you reached out to us. I hope we were able to help in whatever way you needed us. As 2013 winds down, I am optimistic that the New…

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Latham School:

Reaching for the Future

At Latham School, children from 8 years to young adults of 22 years are under the care of a special needs teacher and aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. …Read more.

Latham Centers:

Safe Passage to Adulthood

While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult Programs or remain on Cape Cod to live independently …Read more.

Ways to Give

You can Make a Difference

A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each and every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles …Read more.