Righting My Ship

Apparently I managed to beat it out of Dodge before the snow and freezing temps landed on my home shores. I had never heard the term “artic vortex” before and to be perfectly honest, I was happy to be in the tropics and not here when it arrived.  Back at work now, in my office, listening to the noise and hustle & bustle of Latham School isn’t exactly what I would call relaxing, but it is time to come back in from the warmth…

We have all heard the phrase “home is where the heart is.” I am fortunate to say work is where my heart is too. Pulling into the parking lot this morning felt good; greetings to and from other early birds made it almost okay to be up and about before 7am. The sun, stingy through December with her illumination, is coming up earlier and hanging around longer. Latham is waking up and I can only imagine what it was like here last week with the cold and the snow. 

I like this time of day. I get glimpses of kids in pj’s, some slow to start their engines, and others already in the dining room helping prepare for breakfast.  I really appreciate the morning routine here. It helps me focus on what I need to be doing. I think that January is an interesting time for all of us. Getting past the holidays, the vacation break, the gift-giving, the schedule changes, and yes, even the additional challenges around holidays and FOOD, takes some re-calibrating on my part. I think we all struggle with what I call “righting the ship”. There’s a reason January is a time for making resolutions. So, if you hit a bump in your goals as I did; if you relaxed your exercise routine, if you ate more than you should have and celebrated too many times then don’t despair. Just take a deep breath and begin to do what you know is right. Once you get back on track, trust me, you will feel better! Pura Vida!

Submitted by:
Chris Gallant

“January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.”
–  Sara Coleridge

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