There is great sadness in the world-wide PWS family today. A person I have never met, a parent in another country has lost her baby with PWS to illness. The details are not important. That I never met the woman is not important. The hole I feel in my heart for her, her husband and family can’t be compared to their pain. There are few words I can think of to express how horribly sad this is.
Facebook, twitter, etc. can be a royal pain sometimes but here is the strength I see of social media: within moments of the news, heartfelt condolences, words of comfort; caring and meaningful messages of love and kindness began to fill my screen for this mom & family. I don’t know if she will ever read them but I did. This close knit community of far flung families will surely surround them with the combined strength they possess. Is it enough? How could it be? But it is what we can do. Please keep this family in your thoughts and hearts tonight.
Submitted by:
Chris Gallant