The Beach: A Poem for you by Latham Students
The students at Latham have been thinking positively about the upcoming beautiful weather and accompanying activities. The following poem was written by eight students who participated in the My Voice, My Values program at the Cape Cod Theater Company. This original poem was crafted and drafted 100% by students. The Beach by C.J.,…
Read MoreLatham Centers’ and Emerald Hollow Farm’s Therapeutic Horseback Riding Partnership Highlighted in Cape Cod Times
Student, Patrick, walks Geyser after a riding lesson with instructor Nicole Sheridan at Emerald Hollow Farms Latham Centers’ staff and our community partners continuously work together in an effort to expand educational and vocational opportunities for the students and adult residents in our care. Emerald Hollow Farms and Latham Centers are working together on…
Read MoreA Beautiful Thanksgiving Day on Latham Campus
Thanksgiving 2015 was a fun filled day at Latham Centers. The students started the day with a scrumptious breakfast. Following breakfast, the students went to Johnny Kelley Park in Dennis, MA for a pre-thanksgiving dinner walk. Prior to being served a wonderful, warm Thanksgiving mid-day meal, students and staff participated in a Thanksgiving activity. Students…
Read MoreA Moment of Brewster in Bloom We Won’t Forget!
Brandon with Director of Children’s Services Gerry Pouliot A fun time was had by all during the Brewster in Bloom parade. Like many of our students, this was Brandon’s first time as a Latham parade ambassador and he couldn’t have been happier riding on the float. Brandon and his peers demonstrated Latham Pride throughout…
Read MoreLatham Celebrates Brewster in Bloom with Siobhan Magnus and Guapo’s
This weekend will be very exciting for everyone on campus and all of those in Brewster because of BREWSTER IN BLOOM. Latham Centers will have a Craft Table at Drummer Boy Park for Kids Fest from 10a-2p. Students will be there with staff, so stop by and come ready to buy crafts! Rachel Dewees will…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Being Thankful
Well here it is―the biggest food holiday of the year right around the corner. While we spend the next few days planning, worrying, and trying our hardest to make a stressful event go smoothly, I encourage you to find the good and be thankful for everything that you have. As you can imagine, this time…
Read MoreBrewster Ladies’ Library receives the “Big” Check!
On Saturday May 3rd, The Latham School of Brewster welcomed the public to join staff and volunteers on guided tours through the exquisite campus. On the tour, the community was given an opportunity to view a variety of buildings. The tour ended with Latham President & CEO, Anne McManus speaking on the history of the…
Read MoreBrewster (and Orleans) in Bloom This Weekend!
Saturday’s spectacular weather was a show-stopping backdrop to Latham School’s Open House and evening benefit concert by Cape Cod American Idol Siobhan Magnus. Latham staff and board volunteers hosted two widely attended interactive Brewster in Bloom Open House tours with several planned stops. Tours commenced in the Latham Schoolhouse and traveled on to the Yawkey Dormitory,…
Read MoreLatham School to Host Rare Open House for Brewster in Bloom Weekend
Latham School of Brewster invites the public to attend one of two Open House campus tours on Saturday, May 3 during Brewster in Bloom weekend. Staff and volunteers will host two guided tours at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. of the residential campus serving children with complex special needs, including Prader-Willi Syndrome. Latham School is…
Read MoreThe Quiet Season
It is so darn dark out when my alarm goes off at 6am that I think the clock is lying to me. Many people say “good morning” when they wake, I just groan loudly. I am stuck between seasons, between closets, between dawn and dark. It has always seemed to me that I am not…
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