“LivingHealthy with PWS” reaches thousands in Prader-Willi community

Latham Centers’ latest quarterly LivingHealthy with PWS newsletter features extraordinary moments and helpful tips for everyone who cares for someone with Prader-Willi syndrome. Our most recent issue was published just before Valentine’s Day and featured holiday recommendations from Patrice Carroll, LICSW, Director of PWS Services. She challenged us to help individuals with PWS “make connections…

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Happy School Social Worker Week!

Blooming trees with Latham Sign

Wishing our Latham Social Services Team a fantastic School Social Worker Week!  Our clinicians provide an invaluable service to our students. Their dedication, creativity, and clinical expertise allow our students to thrive, heal, and become the best young adults that they can be. Thank you!   …. Stay tuned for upcoming posts honoring National Social Work Month – celebrated throughout…

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Latham Celebrates Rare Disease Day (Part 6): Honoring our students and our international rare disease community

In our final Rare Disease Day installment, we’re sharing not only quotes from staff about our last group of students, but also information on the origins of Rare Disease Day. The “globally coordinated movement” – spotlighted on www.rarediseaseday.org – “works towards equity in social opportunity, healthcare, and access to diagnosis and therapies for people living…

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Rare Disease Day (Part 3): “Children and adults living with PWS face the world with such bravery and resilience… on this day we celebrate them”

“On Rare Disease Day, we celebrate the extraordinary people in our lives that show us what it means to be one of a kind,” said Latham Centers’ Patrice Carroll, LICSW, Director of PWS Services. “Children and adults living with Prader-Willi syndrome face the world with such bravery and resilience and on this day, we celebrate…

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