Latham Celebrates Rare Disease Day (Part 4): An opportunity for every student to shine

Posting our Rare Disease Day  videos this week has allowed us to share all that is unique and special about our community with friends near and far. Katrina Kozak, Director of National Outreach, reflected on this collaboration:

“When our team put this together, I was excited about the project because I felt that it allowed us to give each student the opportunity to shine. From working with each person and laughing throughout the photo shoot to receiving emails from staff with thoughtful moments captured in the quotes, I enjoyed each step of the process. I hope you have smiled when watching these videos as much as I have!”

Thank you to our staff for today’s quotes about another group of amazing students:

      • Sequoia is very aware of her surroundings. You will often catch her with a smile on her face. She has an acute sense of self.

      • DD is the king of the crooners, he is a fun-loving young man with a song in his head, heart, and in your ear.

      • SV is soft spoken and gentle and whimsical. This young lady is very well-mannered and always has a smile on her face.

      • Lily is appreciative, respectful, and entertaining. She is an endless stream of energy.

      • CS is a clever, well-spoken individual with a keen wit. She is a hard worker and really shows an ability to stand up for herself and others. A fan of musicals, she has spent many days defying gravity.

      • EB is a pleasant and wistful young lady. She takes in account what others may be thinking or feeling and really tries to support others.

      • Mathias is a friendly young man. He always has kind words and a smile on his face. His endearing personality makes him easy to strike up a conversation with.

      • Weiss is an inquisitive young man. His smile comes easy. “Excuse me” is his refrain but in his quest for answers is always respectful and patient.

We’ll share more reflections this weekend – Happy Rare Disease Week!

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