Posts Tagged ‘Tip of the Week’
TIP of the WEEK: Halloween Survival Tips
Well it’s that time of year again. The trifecta of holidays that focus on food and give all of us anxiety attacks long before the actual event! Halloween gives us nightmares but not for the same reason as the rest of the world. There are some things that we can do to allow our kids…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Surviving Holiday Travel
Many of you are starting your plans for holiday traveling. Here are some tips for increasing the odds of a positive experience. 1. Flying. If you are flying home for the holidays be sure to alert your airline that you are traveling with a person with special needs. Many parents simply say that their child…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Halloween PWS Style
With Halloween right around the corner, here are some tips for a safe and fun holiday: 1. Know your end goal. Do you want your child to avoid candy altogether? Have a few pieces that night? Have one piece per night for a few days? Decide how you want to handle treats ahead of time…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Internet Safety
The internet can be a valuable resource for our kids as long as there are safety precautions in place. 1. Put parental blocks on your computer and change the password often. 2. Have the computer in a common area and not in their bedroom. Be wary if they turn the computer off quickly when you…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Auditory Processing Disorder
Children and adults with PWS who also have auditory processing disorder can appear to be defiant, stubborn, or highly agitated when in actuality they simply cannot process your instructions in a typical time frame. Here are some ways to help your child succeed: 1.Speak and wait. One step instructions followed by a 20-30 second waiting…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Learning New Skills
Learning a new skill takes lots of time and even more patience. Whether that skill is physical like walking on unsteady terrain or stairs or if the skill is tolerating stress or change it is crucial that the child is allowed to practice in a safe environment until they feel comfortable. 1. Don’t get discouraged.…
Read MoreGoing Back to School TIPS Guide
Every Friday Patrice Carroll, Latham Centers’ Manager of PWS Services with world-renowned recognition, posts tips and suggestions to help you take care of your child with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Patrice has years of experience working with individuals diagnosed with PWS, both on and off a school campus. As school is just around the corner we’ve…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: PWS and the Messy Room
We all know what this looks like- piles of seemingly disorganized hoard that mean the world to your child. There is hope for order without causing a meltdown! 1. Make sure everything has a place to go and they know what goes where. Simply saying “clean your room” will be meaningless in many cases. If…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Back to School PWS Style
Any transition can be difficult but the transition from summer to school is one of the biggest of the year. Changing schools, teachers, and the introduction of new peers and new social expectations can take a toll on a child with PWS and, in turn, the whole family. Here are some ways to help make…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Reducing Anxiety
Reducing and keeping anxiety levels low will decrease outbursts and increase quality of life. Try some of these techniques to reduce anxiety: 1. Mindfulness exercises. Practicing mindfulness can reduce anxiety during stressful times. Try guided visualizations and deep breathing to bring your child’s mind back to baseline. 2. Aromatherapy and essential oils. Both have shown…
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