TIP of the WEEK: Halloween PWS Style
October 9, 2015
With Halloween right around the corner, here are some tips for a safe and fun holiday:
1. Know your end goal. Do you want your child to avoid candy altogether? Have a few pieces that night? Have one piece per night for a few days? Decide how you want to handle treats ahead of time and make sure you communicate this plan to your child.
2. Offer a trade. If you want your child to participate in the tradition of Halloween but don’t want the candy then give them the choice of trading in their candy for a much desired present.
3. To avoid candy altogether but still go trick or treating visit the neighborhood houses beforehand. If they don’t already know your child bring a picture of him or her with a non food treat that they can give to them instead of candy.
4. Host a Halloween party for family and friends and skip the trick or treating.
Whatever you decide be sure to have some sort of tradition for your child to take part in.