TIP of the WEEK: Nail Care

Healthy nail care is an often overlooked aspect of life with PWS. Many of our kids have behaviors that involve picking at, and in some cases, completely removing, their finger and toe nails. Open and cracked (and absent) nails opens our kids up for infections that can be difficult to treat. If your child has…

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TIP of the WEEK: PWS Awareness Month

During the month of May we formally celebrate the extraordinary people in our lives that live with PWS. Use the last few days of this month to spread awareness and highlight the struggles, accomplishments, and truly unique aspects of the people living every day with a syndrome that so few know about. Interesting Facts about…

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TIP of the WEEK: PWS Awareness Month

During the month of May we formally celebrate the extraordinary people in our lives that live with PWS. Use this month to spread awareness and highlight the struggles, accomplishments, and truly unique aspects of the people living every day with a syndrome that so few know about.  Interesting Facts about PWS: 1.) People with PWS…

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TIP of the WEEK: Distraction as a Tool

It is always a good idea to have tools on hand for moments of increased anxiety. Low level anxiety can often be managed in the moment averting incidents typically caused when the low level becomes the high level. When you see the signs of tension building, go to your stash of anxiety busters to avoid…

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TIP of the WEEK: ENDO 2017

I spent the last week at the ENDO conference in Orlando listening to all of the amazing progress that is being made in the field of endocrinology. The endocrine issues that people with PWS live with have such an impact on their lives and it was heartwarming and hopeful to hear that thousands of doctors…

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TIP of the WEEK: Spring Break

Many of you will be traveling for spring break. Here are some tips for safe and successful travels with your child with PWS. 1. Make prior arrangements with the airline. Most airlines will accommodate children with special needs by allowing pre-boarding and sometimes a tour of the plane while it is empty allowing your child…

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TIP of the WEEK: Regurgitation

One of the least talked about behaviors is actually quite common in PWS. Regurgitating food happens fairly often in PWS and because people don’t like to admit that their child does this, it often goes untreated. Let’s be honest, it’s not healthy and definitely not socially acceptable so if you child is doing this- talk…

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TIP of the WEEK: Getting Through the Hard Times

With the deeply upsetting news this week regarding the closing of the PWS unit at the Pittsburg Institute it is more important than ever for us to stick together as a community. It is human nature to panic when such an important resource is taken away but rest assured we will find a way to…

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TIP of the WEEK: The Home Visit

When your child is in residential placement, holidays and school vacations can be challenging times. After a few days you start to wonder how you ever did this even though your child was home with you for most of their lives. This is normal. Don’t expect a perfectly smooth ride. House rules and school rules…

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TIP of the WEEK: Winning the Game

Many parents ask us how to manage their child’s strong feelings about losing. Some kids with PWS struggle with games where there is a clear winner, either games they play themselves or games that involve their favorite sports team. Some parents manage this by making sure that their kids win board games that they play…

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