TIP of the WEEK: Getting Back into a Routine

Getting back into a routine after the holidays is the best way to move your family away from the chaos of the last two months and get back to some semblance of normalcy. Here are some ways to help you get back on track. Be realistic. It doesn’t matter if all of the other families…

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Righting My Ship

Apparently I managed to beat it out of Dodge before the snow and freezing temps landed on my home shores. I had never heard the term “artic vortex” before and to be perfectly honest, I was happy to be in the tropics and not here when it arrived.  Back at work now, in my office,…

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TIP of the WEEK: Learning ADL Skills

Being able to perform activities of daily living without support is a crucial part of growing up and working towards independence. Even if your child will always require some degree of support it is important for their self esteem and long term placement options to be able to care for themselves as much as possible.…

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