Finding Your Way

I get lost often. Usually the only thing I lose is time. I have developed a “10 minute” window that I add to my driving time allowing me the inevitable wrong turn corrector. I thought the development of the GPS would eliminate my need for the extra time but I never count on it getting…

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TIP of the WEEK: Purposeful Community Outings

At Latham Centers, one of the goals of our program is to help students prepare for adult living. In order to help this happen, we make an assessment of each individual’s understanding of basic community resources such as using public transportation, reading a basic map, or going to a local store. We then assess each…

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TIP of the WEEK: Support for Siblings

How do we support brothers and sisters of kids with PWS while keeping food secure, routines on track and resentment from brewing? Siblings of kids with special needs have unique challenges. Some kids may feel angry at their sibling with special needs because they may feel that they are not as important, or that all…

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TIP of the WEEK: Going to the Doctor

Taking your child to the doctor can be a stressful experience but some preparations ahead of time can make for a more successful visit. Bring someone with you. Another set of ears will help to be sure that you heard all of the information. If you don’t have the option to bring someone with you…

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