Posts Tagged ‘Residential School for Prader-Willi Syndrome in Massachusetts’
TIP of the WEEK: Medical Appointments
There are many things that people with PWS have in common and one of them is lots of medical appointments. Here are some ways to manage all of those appointments: 1. When you are seeing a new doctor be sure to request a double appointment so the first half can be spent teaching the doctor…
Read MoreTIP of the WEEK: Sensory Easter Baskets
With yet another food holiday right around the corner here is a list of non-food and sensory friendly items to put in your child’s Easter basket. Please be mindful of choking hazards if your child is very young or has a history of eating non food items. All of these things are excellent for the…
Read MoreLooking for the Right Program
We listen. It sounds so darn simple. Yet it is still one of the best ways we have to help parents or guardians find the right fit for their child. I don’t pretend to know what it feels like to seek help for a child with Prader-Willi Syndrome or other life challenging issues. I haven’t…
Read MoreThe Value of Specialized PWS Placement
*This article appeared in PWSA (USA) newsletter The Gathered View Samantha sits at the lunch table with her friends, laughing, gossiping and talking about things that teenage girls talk about. She looks forward to after-school activities, visits home and shopping trips. Samantha is a regular girl, doing what girls do–going to school during the day and…
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