Looking for the Right Program

We listen. It sounds so darn simple. Yet it is still one of the best ways we have to help parents or guardians find the right fit for their child. I don’t pretend to know what it feels like to seek help for a child with Prader-Willi Syndrome or other life challenging issues. I haven’t been in your shoes making your hard decisions. However I do know what Latham can offer families and the students or adults they love: a safe place. A place where we look at the strengths and talents they bring along, not just the challenges they face on a daily basis. A place that works to understand the needs of the whole person, not just their diagnosis. A place where friendships can be made and cherished, where being different isn’t all that different. Time spent listening will often open up new ideas or help a family make a tough choice. If we aren’t the right fit for your child we will honestly tell you that and if we have an idea who is we will tell you that, too. 
You have an important decision as a parent to make. Latham understands that. 

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