Juniors and Seniors: paid Summer Internships start June 6th

May 16, 2022

We’ve been visiting area high schools to talk with juniors and seniors about careers in human services, and to invite students to apply for paid internship opportunities at Latham Centers.  “We have loved every minute of meeting with students and talking about paid internships at Latham. Students asked great questions about our programs and residents and…

PWS Awareness Month (May 16) – Introducing food

May 16, 2022

Caption: Melissa (Valentine’s) dining with student Ironically, many children with Prader-Willi syndrome can be picky eaters. Introduce food with different colors and textures at an early age to avoid food texture/color avoidance later on.   

PWS Awareness Month (May 15) – Exercises

May 15, 2022

The best exercises for people with Prader-Willi syndrome are routines that use all the muscle groups like swimming, dancing, and yoga.  

PWS Awareness Month (May 14) – Collections

May 14, 2022

Caption: Creating order from chaos can encourage someone with PWS to also organize their belongings. Before Halloween, Latham staff organizes lots of costumes, making it easier for our residents to choose their outfit. It is not unusual for the person with Prader-Willi syndrome to collect items. Having a limit that is agreed upon  can help…

Celebrating Nurses Week 2022

May 13, 2022

As Nurse Appreciation Week draws to a close, the Adult Services Team (led by Director Gina Sheehan) extends its heartfelt thanks for all the hard work and dedication displayed by our wonderful RNs, LPNs, CNAs, and Medical Assistants!  A large selection of flowers and vases was delivered to the Willow Street office so that these…

PWS Awareness Month (May 13) – Humor

May 13, 2022

People with Prader-Willi syndrome often have a great sense of humor. Humor is a great tool as long as sarcasm is avoided. Sarcasm can be mistaken for teasing and shouldn’t be used.

PWS Awareness Month (May 12) – Sensory processing

May 12, 2022

Caption: At Latham, we use tagless pinnies during Special Olympics practice to help students focus on the activity. Sensory Processing Disorder can impact success and can often be easily addressed. Itchy tags, bright or flickering lights, or background noises can frustrate and agitate those living with SPD. Check the environment to see what external stimulus…

THANK YOU, Latham nurses, who “ensure the health of all is the priority”

May 11, 2022

“Caring is the essence of nursing.” —Jean Watson The nurses at Latham Centers are an impressive group, continuously providing excellent care with smiles and patience. Our talented, compassionate nursing staff members work with individuals with special needs in both the Children’s and Adult Services Programs, as well as our residents’ families, Latham staff, and medical…

PWS Awareness Month (May 11) – Processing speed

May 11, 2022

Caption: To make a vocational task easier to comprehend, break the steps down for someone with PWS. Slow processing speed is common in Prader-Willi syndrome. Short and concise directions are important. Always remember that people with slow processing speed will usually only hear the last thing you say.

PWS Awareness Month (May 10) – GI

May 10, 2022

Most people with Prader-Willi syndrome lack the ability to vomit. If spoiled food, too much food, or an episode of gastroparesis occurs, vomiting may not be possible and may lead to a GI emergency. Pay close attention to bowel movements to ensure that there is not a slowing of the GI tract. And seek medical…

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Latham School:

Reaching for the Future

At Latham School, children from 8 years to young adults of 22 years are under the care of a special needs teacher and aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. …Read more.

Latham Centers:

Safe Passage to Adulthood

While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult Programs or remain on Cape Cod to live independently …Read more.

Ways to Give

You can Make a Difference

A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each and every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles …Read more.