A glimpse into our February Children’s Residential Activities
February 20, 2023
At our Latham School campus, students have enjoyed a variety of activities this month. The weather on the Cape has been a mix of mild sunny days and cold gray days. Programming has been fantastic despite the weather shifts. Daniel Anderson, Residential Activities Coordinator, organizes the Residential Activities Calendar and distributes it to staff and students. Events include:
Black History Month – Throughout February, we honor and celebrate Black History. Activities focus on African American individuals whose impact has changed our world.
Valentine’s Day – The Program held a dance at our Campus Expansion site plus a special Valentine’s dinner on-campus.
Natural Alternatives with Kris – In these wellness activities, Kris takes things we use in everyday life to teach coping skills.
Special Olympics continues. The Latham Hawks Basketball regular season concluded on Saturday with a “truly amazing game.” Bowling will end March 1st.
Spa Nights – This month and next month will focus on foot care and pedicures…
… and more! Our Residential and Educational staff are exceptional. “The activities planned by our teams at Latham are so thoughtful and fun,” Director of National Outreach Katrina Kozak said. “Students are always talking about the goings-on in our community and on campus, and often it’s a time when they truly light up! Staying engaged is critical in the lives of our residents and this is just one way for them to do so.”
Upcoming blogs will feature more about Natural Alternatives with Kris, Special Olympics, Audubon outings, and our Petting Zoo!
(Pictured above: a happy moment at “Natural Alternatives with Kris”)