Zumba Night at Great Hill

-3For the past several months, Great Hill has been the location for Zumba Night. Clients from several houses have been enjoying a new, fun way to exercise and everyone has been participating and having a great time. Over time Zumba nights have progressed from an evening of fun exercise to a time for social gathering and the chance to spend time with peers from other homes.
In the spring, it was Zumba upstairs moving and grooving to videos on the large screen TV. When the weather warmed and the pool opened, the clients enjoyed splitting their exercise time between Zumba upstairs and exercising or swimming in the pool.
Now that the weather has changed Zumba will be returning upstairs with new Latham Rocks Zumba t-shirts coming soon and fun plans for some special Zumba Nights. October will see a Costume Zumba Night around Halloween and Holiday themed Zumba Nights for November and December.
Submitted by: Missy Adle
House Manager

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