Wellness at Latham: Clinical Team’s newsletter and seminars appreciated by staff

Lead Clinician Samantha Cronin continues to publish the Clinical Team’s “Wellness Wednesday” mental health newsletter. The publication, greatly appreciated by our staff, includes local mental health events, helpful hints, tips, facts, and research based on the team’s topic of the month. The newsletter was created by the clinical team to thank and support our staff for the amazing things they do every single day.

We are so grateful to Sam and the entire Social Services team for their tireless efforts to promote self-care and wellness in the workplace, and for their extraordinary work with our students, families, and staff across departments. In addition to creating the wellness newsletter, our clinicians host a monthly online Clinical Seminar – a professional development series focusing on a different topic each month. In the staff seminars, they present information about the clinical diagnoses and needs of our diverse student body. Each session offers the opportunity for staff across components to come together to learn more about specific diagnoses and share insights and experiences. The seminar series has included topics such as trauma; anxiety disorders; mood disorders; OCD and related disorders; autism spectrum disorder; Prader-Willi syndrome; and more.

Thanks so much to our clinicians and social services case aides! “Be Well!”

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