TIP of the WEEK: Exercise Everyday
April 22, 2016
Getting your child to find the motivation to exercise can be a challenge but is immensely important to their overall health. Children and adults with PWS can struggle with coordination and that coupled with low muscle tone make exercising difficult. Here are some ways to incorporate exercise into your child’s everyday routine:
Join in. Your child will be far more likely to get up and move if they are doing it with you.
Don’t call it exercise. Walking the dog, parking far away from the store that you are going to, going to a playground, creating nature scavenger hunts or back yard obstacle courses are fun ways to get moving without even knowing that exercise is happening.
Bring a buddy. Everything is more fun with a friend. Tag, relay races and impromptu organized sports can be great ways to get exercise time into their day.
Whatever you choose be sure to praise and keep any attempt to get moving positive.
Patrice Carroll is Latham Centers’ world-renowned Prader-Willi Syndrome specialist. She works with Latham Centers’ residents with PWS, their families and consultants, continuously learning and teaching about PWS best practices.