Tip of the Week: PWS Awareness Month (Week 1)
May 3, 2019
In honor of Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month, we’re sharing a “Tip of the Day” on social media throughout the month of May. Here are this week’s tips (May 1-3):
· Individuals diagnosed with PWS can have social, medical, and learning challenges. But never forget that the list of what is good about them is far longer than the list of challenges.
· PWS is the most common genetic cause of childhood obesity. Good nutrition and food security are essential parts of a healthy life and contribute to a decrease in anxiety as well as an increase in energy and concentration.
· Infants born with PWS appear floppy due to extremely low muscle tone. Low muscle tone will affect them for the rest of their lives. Daily exercise is imperative in keeping existing muscle tone, and attention should be paid to strengthening their core when creating an exercise routine.
Patrice Carroll is Latham Centers’ world-renowned Prader-Willi syndrome specialist. She works with Latham’s residents with PWS, their families, and consultants, continuously learning and teaching about PWS best practices. Do you have questions for our PWS specialist? Submit your “tip” topics or general questions to TipTopics@LathamCenters.org.