Tip of the Week: Peer relationships

People with Prader-Willi syndrome may need additional support when it comes to relationships. Our job is to ensure that they have the opportunities to learn and the skills to navigate the world of friendships. That may come with some failures and risk-taking. Giving them the chance to safely access relationships will have a long-lasting impact on their quality of life.


Patrice Carroll, LICSW, is world-renowned for her Prader-Willi syndrome expertise. As Director of PWS Services at Latham Centers, she works with Latham students and residents and their families, as well as experts in the field, teaching and learning PWS best practices. Patrice also serves on the IPWSO (International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation) Caregivers Board, and she co-chairs the PWSA | USA Professional Providers Advisory Board. If you have PWS-related questions, we invite you to email TipTopics@LathamCenters.org.

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