Tip of the week: Community behavioral events
During the holiday season, we see an increase in anxiety with our kids with PWS and along with that can come an increase in behaviors. Behaviors in the community can be even more stressful for parents because of the addition of onlookers who do not understand the syndrome. In an effort to help effectively communicate with onlookers, we have created small cards (below) that you can hand to people who have stopped to watch your child’s behavioral outburst – hopefully, these will curb their (usually well-intentioned) need to try to help or intervene. Please feel free to modify and print for your own needs.
Patrice Carroll is Latham Centers’ world-renowned Prader-Willi syndrome specialist. She works with Latham’s residents with PWS, their families, and consultants, continuously learning and teaching about PWS best practices. Do you have questions for our PWS specialist? Submit your “tip” topics or general questions to TipTopics@LathamCenters.org.