Tip of the Week: PWS University Podcast 7: Latham’s PWS-specific consultations

Our seventh PWS University podcast featuring highlights of recent PWS consultations is now available. Latham Centers’ Prader-Willi Syndrome Consultation Team provides customized consultation services tailored to the specific challenges and needs of children and adults with PWS. We provide best-practice education and training to families, educators, and providers. Areas of consultation range from day program, classroom,…

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Latham’s ‘PWS University Episode 6’ provides tips on Sensory Processing and Executive Functioning Disorders

Our directors of National Outreach and Prader-Willi Syndrome Services continue to develop a series of helpful “LivingHealthy” audio podcasts to share Latham Centers’ expertise beyond our programs. Their PWS-focused podcast series called PWS University highlights important aspects of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) — the good, the challenging, and everything in-between. This week’s PWS University podcast offers insights into…

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TIP of the Week: New PWS University podcast features holiday activity ideas

During the holiday season, those of us who have someone in our lives with Prader-Willi syndrome are considering a myriad of complications… We wonder how we’ll be able to foster a positive holiday experience despite the typical stressors this time of year such as food-related activities, high-stimulus environments, and changes in routine. In this week’s…

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