Latham’s ‘PWS University Episode 6’ provides tips on Sensory Processing and Executive Functioning Disorders
February 13, 2020
Our directors of National Outreach and Prader-Willi Syndrome Services continue to develop a series of helpful “LivingHealthy” audio podcasts to share Latham Centers’ expertise beyond our programs. Their PWS-focused podcast series called PWS University highlights important aspects of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) — the good, the challenging, and everything in-between. This week’s PWS University podcast offers insights into two oftentimes-related disorders.
In Latham’s PWS University Podcast #6 launched on February 11th, Patrice Carroll (Director of PWS Services) and Katrina Fryklund (Director of National Outreach) discuss Executive Functioning Disorder (EFD) and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). They suggest that for someone with PWS and Executive Functioning Disorder, it may be most beneficial to break tasks down step-by-step. For someone with Sensory Processing Disorder, high-stimulus environments with bright lights and loud noises may make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. In the podcast, Patrice and Katrina explore the relationship between Prader-Willi syndrome and EFD/SPD, and touch upon the difference between genetics, environment, and behaviors. Additionally, they investigate helpful tools for someone with EFD and SPD, ranging from an individualized Sensory Toolbox to Wiping Wands. Ultimately, Patrice explains, “It’s important not to assume that something is behavioral or non-compliance,” rather ask yourself, ‘How can I best control the environment to help the person in my life with EFD and SPD?’
We invite you to download, follow, and share our Podbean podcasts.
Pictured: Patrice (left) and Katrina are presenting on PWS topics in the Midwest this week.