Staff Spotlight: Summer interns get hands-on experience in Special Education


Children’s Services is thrilled to have three interns working on campus this summer. Assistant Principal Kara McDowell said they help our Children’s Program in a variety of ways. “We are able to modify our schedule to be more exciting during the summer for both students and our regular staff. It is always fun to have younger staff around who are eager to learn about Latham Centers and the populations we serve. Throughout the internship, the interns get to be in the classroom working hands-on with the students. They also work on development tasks such as curriculum organization, IEP observation and development, and other administrative tasks around campus.”

Latham School students enjoy welcoming new interns every summer; it’s a treat for them to learn about the summer staff members and to work with them on a variety of vocational tasks and school related activities. We welcome Katie, Rachael, and Cate:

​Katie Jaeger’s hometown is Scranton, Pennsylvania, and she recently graduated from Kutztown University. She applied to Latham because she wants to work with students in this population, and she has been having a great experience. “The students are welcoming and the staff are so helpful,” Katie said. “I’ve really enjoyed going on outings.” When she’s not at Latham, Katie explores new places and has done a lot of hiking, gone camping, and attended concerts this summer.

Rachael Rainville’s hometown is Isle La Motte, Vermont. She is a recent graduate of Westfield State University who found the position at Latham online. “I relocated to Cape Cod and was looking for work with students with special needs,” Rachael said. The highlight of her experience at Latham thus far “was being a part of field day and watching the students dance with Monique at the end!” When she’s not on campus, Rachael has been enjoying going to the beach and finding new places to visit on Cape Cod.

Cate Duffy’s hometown is Natick, Massachusetts, and she is a Quinnipiac University student. Cate also learned about Latham online, and said she was interested in living on Cape Cod for the summer and advancing in her school program. For Cate, the Dream Day Games was the highlight of her summer thus far, and she has been enjoying going to the beach. Latham Centers is grateful to our interns, and we welcome inquiries for fall internships in our residential and clinical programs.

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