Staff Spotlight: Dominic Monick honored as Supervisor of the Quarter

Children’s Services Residential Supervisor Dominic Monick was presented with Latham Centers’ “Supervisor of the Quarter” Award last week. In presenting the award to Dom, Latham President Anne McManus said, “Dom was nominated by his colleagues for his outstanding contribution, and it is well-deserved! I have had numerous opportunities to see Dom in action, and there always seems to be a bubble of serenity around him.” 

Several of Dom’s peers cited his leadership, above-and-beyond helpfulness, and commitment to maintaining a safe environment for students and staff.  “He is always willing to assist with anything required, no matter the shift. He has grown professionally and is a great role model,” wrote one colleague. Another noted, “Dominic has shown exemplary teamwork and initiative by assisting his colleagues and staffing shifts on short notice. He does so with enthusiasm and a smile on his face.” Dom was also praised for his ability to teach those around him, for sharing his wealth of knowledge, for his approachability, and for sometimes sacrificing time with family to be on campus. 

We’re all grateful to have you on our team, Dom.  Congratulations!

(In case you missed it, last week we announced the Adult Services Sup-of-the-Quarter )


Pictured:   Dominic Monick receives the Supervisor of the Quarter award from Latham President Anne McManus. 

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