Staff Recognition: Congratulations, Gabrielle S and Heather A!

Our September ‘Staff of the Month’ award recipients are upbeat, happy, creative, and engaged! Latham’s Children’s Program team members nominate colleagues who have gone above and beyond for the honor of Staff of the Month. Whether it be working with the students or supporting their colleagues, the staff selected are hardworking and caring. In September, Children’s Services staff selected Gabrielle Siani, Performing Arts Teacher, and Heather Anderson, Housekeeping. Students and staff had amazing things to say about them both:

      • Gabrielle, we are so honored to have you as part of our team. We are looking forward to the Tinkerbell play you have coming up in the next few months, and all the great work you bring to the table.

      • Gabrielle is always coming up with creative ideas for the students to partake in. She jumps right into every opportunity to participate with the different activities on campus and the kids love her class!

      • I want to shout out to Gabrielle, because she is the most present performing arts teacher! She’s got all the things in her pocket to pull out and I’m so excited for this play that you are going to do with the kids.

      • Gabrielle has brought a fresh approach to Latham and is very creative, and the kids are always really engaged in her group – even the ones that struggle in school. We are so pleased to have her on the team.

      • Gabrielle is a great addition to the ed team. She is a great performing arts teacher and is wonderful with all the kids. She has such a great energy and I love working with her.

      • Heather – you seamlessly transitioned departments and we are so grateful that we can still see you regularly, interacting with our students, and helping out with all the staff!

      • Heather is a great colleague! She shows that she values the workload of others, offers help when help is needed, and never misses the opportunity to ask you how your day is going.

      • Heather Anderson used to be a residential staff and she is now a housekeeper. The kids still love to have her around. She is a thorough cleaner and sanitizes things perfectly, and we are so lucky to still have her on our team.

      • I want to thank Heather Anderson for always coming in, having a great smile, and always restocking our stuff!

      • Heather – thank you for being YOU! Upbeat, happy, and a pleasure to be around.

The Staff Awards were announced at Latham School’s October Community Meeting. (In case you missed it, here’s a link to ‘part 1’ of the September Staff of the Month announcement).

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