Recognizing excellence: Staff promotions displayed in The Cape Cod Chronicle
October 9, 2020
This week’s Cape Cod Chronicle featured six recently promoted Latham staff members! (Click this link and arrow-forward to page 4). The Chronicle, an independent weekly newspaper, is a favorite local news source covering the Chatham-Harwich-Orleans-Brewster area.
In spotlighting team members from our Children’s and Adult Services Programs, we honor these essential and valued professionals as well as raise awareness in the community about the work we do. We hope that recognizing their achievements will inspire others to explore job opportunities at Latham – whether they are career-changers or recent graduates looking for meaningful work with generous benefits. (We’re happy to share that some of our recently promoted team members utilized Latham’s tuition assistance program to earn their degrees!)
Pictured: Our Children’s Services Program promoted Meghan Foley to Director of Education; Vikacha Phiri to Director of Social Services; Matthew O’Sullivan to Assistant Principal; Monique Williams to Director of Health and Wellness; and Christopher Howard to Lead Chef. Our Adult Services Program promoted Brianna Isaacs to Residential Manager.
President Anne McManus congratulated the staff members for excelling in their fields. “We recognize and appreciate all six leaders who continue to grow their careers at Latham Centers. It is a privilege to work with these caring, committed professionals who strive to enhance the education, well-being, and happiness of our students and residents.”