Learning can be fun: Resources to help your child stay mentally active
March 24, 2020
Our Program leadership continues to gather educational resources to share with families. Our staff has been tapping into these online resources, adapting as needed for Latham School* students:
If your child is tired of the same education resources, here is a vast listing of online educational offerings – free of charge during school closures. Don’t forget to include educational time in your child’s schedule. Keeping up with lessons will allow your child to stay mentally active and will make the eventual transition back to school easier!
*For anyone new to Latham Centers: Our therapeutic residential programs are staffed around-the-clock. Many families, friends, and community members have reached out to ask how they can help our students, adult residents, and staff during this difficult time. In upcoming blog posts, we’ll share ideas compiled by our Children’s Services and Adult Services Program staff about ways to help in the most impactful – and safe – ways).