Latham thanks Cotting School for donation of much-needed supplies
April 1, 2020
The incredible donation we received from our friends at Cotting School last week has been featured in the news in Cotting’s town of Lexington as well as here on the Cape. Latham Centers is so grateful to our maaps colleagues who provided us with dozens of boxes of gloves, sanitizing wipes, and other personal protective equipment.
Latham School and Cotting School are both members of the Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools (maaps) – an association of special education schools working together to provide the highest quality education for students with special needs. The Lexington Minuteman/Wicked Local news published a story about Cotting’s generosity, Cotting School sends donations to Latham Centers, which quoted Latham President and CEO Anne McManus: “Relationships are at the very heart of the work we do in human services, and we feel so fortunate to include the Cotting School community among our good friends. Their donation of cleaning supplies and PPE materials comes at a critical time and means the world to us.”
Cotting School’s President Dave Manzo noted, “maaps member schools always work collegially to support positive outcomes for their students.”
The heartwarming news was also published by our local media. Cape Cod Broadcasting Media’s news team interviewed Anne about the donation of supplies from our off-Cape friends for a CCB-Media radio segment, and published the story online at Latham Centers School In Brewster Receives Donation.
In the radio interview, Anne expressed Latham’s deep appreciation. “We were running low on disinfectant and cleaning materials, and our friends from the Cotting School in Lexington heard our plea and responded in a magnificent fashion… there truly are heroes among us.” Other heroes she mentioned on the radio include our maaps colleagues, our community, and our incredible staff. “maaps has banded together to be supportive in giving us really important information about health and safety, but also information about what the government is doing in response to this crisis,” she noted.
Latham has also received support from the Cape community, Anne said. “It comes from every direction. We have people out in the community sewing masks for us, and the response has just been overwhelming; people are heroic and generous during this time.” To all those who have asked what they can do to help, Anne said it is so greatly appreciated. “They’ve been tremendously generous; it supports the work of our staff who frankly are the real heroes in this story. Along with healthcare providers, our direct care staff are the front line in ensuring that the children and adults in our program are well taken care of.”