Latham student creates travel brochures after “traveling abroad” in class


We proudly share the work of our students, and today we bring you Nicholas’s exceptional project—travel brochures he created with inspiration from his Latham teacher.

Teachers’ lesson plans keep in mind each student’s niche. As we shared in our blog about Teacher Katie’s virtual “Study Abroad” experience, the entire class loved it, but “Virtual Student of the Month” Nick truly excelled. Katie challenged the students to pick their favorite continent and create a travel brochure! This lesson and optional homework assignment hit his sweet spot; his mother wrote to teachers Katie and Matt, “Not only did he have an interest in doing this, but he was ‘all in’. We literally spent an entire day creating travel brochures for the 7 continents.  We wanted to share all the work he put into this with all of you. It was a fun project!”

Take a look at Nick’s fantastic brochures – they are detailed, insightful, and in some areas humorous! We thank Nicholas and his mother for their comfort in sharing his amazing work with our entire community. Nick’s project exemplifies our students’ diligence and shows that amazing things can happen through persistence, care, communication, and education.

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