Latham School Holiday Craft Fair
Latham school students hosted their annual Holiday Craft Fair on Dec 14th from 3p-4p. In keeping with tradition, students had been making crafts to sell in both school and their residential groups for several weeks prior to the sale. It is also our tradition that the students choose a charity towards which the proceeds will be donated. Student council presented three suggestions; St. Jude’s Children’s hospital, Susan G. Komen for the Cure (breast cancer research) and Operation Gratitude (packages for the soldiers). Classrooms voted for St. Jude’s Hospital.
Our annual Holiday Craft Fair is looked forward to by both students and staff alike. It is a wonderful time to purchase handmade, one of a kind items, made with love by the students. For many of us, our loved ones wait to see what beautiful Latham made gifts will be theirs. This year we had the beautiful addition of the homemade soaps. I am certain those who received soaps will be looking for more once their current supply dwindles. Each year we also run a bake sale at the same time with fabulous baked goods made by talented Simpkins staff, Bibi Charran.
The room was packed during the sale and there was often a line at the check-out. Music was played. Smiles were everywhere, with students both selling and purchasing their own and each other’s homemade treasures. Generosity filled the air. The final tally for St. Jude’s is $519.23! This is a record amount made by the craft fair! Our package to St. Jude’s includes the check but it also includes some crafts, some photos of the fair, a handmade card signed by students and staff, and some information about who we are and what we do at Latham. Above all, it includes some love and generosity from one group of kids to another! Many thanks to all who participated!
Contributed by:
Shauna Kelly
Transitional Supervisor