Latham joins State House celebration of Chapter 766
September 26, 2022
Last week at the Massachusetts State House, Latham Centers was part of a very special celebration of the 50th anniversary of Chapter 766, the Commonwealth’s landmark special education law*. The law ensures that all students receive an educational program best suited to their needs.
We gathered with colleagues to salute the public servants, civil rights advocates, and educators who brought the vision of Chapter 766 to the students of Massachusetts. The momentous day was filled with messages of respect, admiration, and appreciation for everyone past and present who has made the law’s vision become reality.
We are truly grateful to the members of the Coalition for Special Education for their support of the exceptional 50th Anniversary celebration!
Pictured at the State House in Boston: Gerry Pouliot (Director of Children’s Services), Dawn Dinnan (Director of Communications), Anne McManus (President & CEO), Monique Williams (Director of Health & Wellness), Vikacha Phiri (Director of Social Services), Kathryn Earle and Christine Thomas, MD (members of the Latham Centers Board of Directors), Laura Heilmann (Career Services Manager), and Taylor Burns (Assistant Residential Director).
*Chapter 766 was the model for the federal special education law passed in 1975 known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).