Latham class visits A.R.C. Hatchery Cape Cod: “a wonderful operation”

Special Education Teacher Jeff Lee wrote about his recent visit to a bayside treasure with Latham students . We’re so grateful he shared this peek at our local shellfish hatchery:

“On November 7th, Latham students had a wonderful opportunity to learn about the unique industries that are possible due to the amazing natural resources that are available on Cape Cod. The students toured a local shellfish hatchery in Dennis. The Aquacultural Research Corporation or A.R.C. is a locally based company that according to their website (Aquacultural Research Corporation | A.R.C. (

Is a wholesaler of prime market-sized quahogs and oysters served at fine dining restaurants, raw bars, fish markets and local clambakes. Our live shellfish is sold throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe and Singapore.

A.R.C. is also one of the largest producers of shellfish seed in New England supplying quahogs, oysters, bay scallops, surf clams and other shellfish to a range of customers up and down the Eastern seaboard. Seed customers include commercial and recreational farmers growing the seed out to market size for consumption, and municipalities for seeding recreational shellfish beds and for waterways environmental protection.

Additionally, A.R.C. works closely with research facilities to help develop innovative techniques and practices to sustain shellfish farming well into the future.

During the tour, the students were able to see the many steps needed to grow these amazing shellfish, as well as see some of the science behind the process. All our students were fascinated by this facility, and it was an amazing experience for them. Everyone at the Hatchery was welcoming and greeted Latham Centers with open arms. Thank you again to everyone over at the A.R.C. and its subsidiary, Chapin Sea Farms, for the tour of your wonderful operation. This is one of many learning opportunities the students have been able to experience as they learn about the unique and interesting natural resources that the Cape and Islands have to offer the local community.” ~ Jeff Lee, Special Education Teacher, Latham Centers 

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