Latham Celebrates Rare Disease Day: Showing Love and Appreciation
February 28, 2023
Our Admissions Team gave a tour recently to a parent who said, “Everyone seems so caring and welcoming.” Her son, also on the tour, said, “Mom, I think I could be around people who understand me here.” Latham Centers is a place where individuals can go to be understood and welcomed, and where their unique nature and rarity is appreciated and cared for. Latham Centers is taking today and this week to celebrate Rare Disease Day.
Don’t miss our upcoming short videos highlighting our residents. Each day, staff members share why our students are unique, bold, rare, and appreciated. “Many students took part in a Rare Disease Day Photo Shoot and staff came together to honor each and every one of our amazing kiddos on campus,” noted Katrina Kozak, Director of National Outreach.
Today is our day to celebrate the following students (with consent, we have included some first names):
Annika dances with an unbridled enthusiasm and energy. She not only marches to the beat of her own drum; she’s the drummer. A pleasure to talk with, she always finds time to ask how you are doing.
I love spending time with Niclauri! She has such a great smile and while quiet and reserved, she is a bundle of joy. She’s also a great Spanish teacher!
BA makes the energizer bunny want to quit. This young man is non-stop. He loves to run and play and run and jump and run. He lives his life as an expression of jubilation.
KB is one of the strongest people I have ever met; she carries a light that no amount of darkness can ever extinguish. Throughout her ups and downs she finds reason to laugh and I find that nothing short of miraculous.
Scott is one of the most organized and hard-working people on the Latham campus. He loves to do chores and usually wants to go above and beyond the minimal requirements. He is almost always in a good mood and is very respectful to both staff and fellow students.
Juliette is a fun and curious person. She smiles with her whole being and that smile is more radiant than the sun.
Stay tuned for more remarks about our students who make Latham the community it is. Happy Rare Disease Day!