Latham and The Special Olympics Experience
May 25, 2012
May 2012: A Staff’s Perspective
I just wanted to brag about the wonderful day Latham had at Special Olympics. The kids were all up and ready to go without issue, and staff (overnight, residential, nursing, Barbara in the kitchen, Kalyn & Hal) did a great job to get everything squared away. The kids worked as a team from the start….stretching, cheering each other on, and listening to all staff present. There was a big miscommunication with the events the kids were signed up for–the tags for their shirts were all printed with different events than what they had signed up for. And although this caused MN’s issue, I was so proud to see him use his coping skills and turn things around.
The event was really spread out and the teamwork everyone showed was amazing. Holly, Katie, Suzanne J., P.J., Mike , Brooke, Sheila and Christina with our Nick combo all came and cheered the group on. It was wonderful to have Trish there, not only because she’s in charge of the Special Olympics but the kids look up to her so much and wanted to show her how well they’ve done practicing. Chrissy, Elliot, Gina, and Barbara C. were the staff from the floor. They were all eager to go and even came in early despite their long day ahead of them.
There were many parents and families there and everyone was introducing and greeting each other. What an amazing community we have and I am so proud to be a part of it. Once again Latham rose to the occasion and shined. Go Hawks!!
Submitted by:
Frannie Quirk
“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
~Mother Teresa