Inspiration from Massachusetts’ First Lady Lauren Baker, our 10th reader on Virtual Storytime
June 3, 2020
In honor of Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month (in May), Latham Centers welcomed special guests who read stories to our students on Virtual Storytime. It’s hard to believe that this is our tenth Virtual Storytime reader to share! *
GUEST READER LAUREN BAKER: On May 18th, Massachusetts First Lady Lauren Baker kicked off the week reading Memoirs of a Parrot by Devin Scillian. The “Memoirs” series is familiar to the kids, and they immediately remembered reading about the parrot’s friends, the hamster and the goldfish. The parrot’s story was just as fun; our young listeners laughed their way through, and after the reading they learned a lot about their special guest reader.
Students asked Lauren questions about her husband, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, and her work helping others. “It’s my job to work alongside my husband and try to make good things happen for people who live in Massachusetts,” she explained to students. “I don’t work in the government; I work for a non-profit… It’s really fun because we get to help kids,” she said, noting some of the inspiring work they do with children. Lauren said she has always enjoyed helping people, especially when they are going through hardships.
Lauren asked the students, “What do you think is cool about this program?” One told her how great Virtual Storytime has been, adding, “It’s really cool seeing people all over the country!” Another student said, “I like talking to people who have the same disability as me.” One student asked Lauren to please thank her husband for his work in the government. Before she said goodbye, the students on campus invited First Lady Baker to come visit them at Latham Centers when it is safe.
We are so appreciative of Lauren and all of our community heroes who have made Virtual Storytime so meaningful for students, staff, and families in the PWS community and beyond. Thank you, First Lady Baker!
* Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening, students at Latham Centers come together online for a good book and an interactive social hour. Each reader brings something special to Virtual Storytime. Whether they are a legislative or non-profit leader, a professional in the PWS community, a weather forecaster, or other surprise “Zoom” guest, they have provided the gift of storytelling and delightful conversation. Virtual Storytime has become a joyful part of Latham’s culture over the past couple of months, and students on campus in Brewster – and students around the country – eagerly anticipate the 6:00 p.m. sessions with one another.