Greetings from Facilities!

The winter season is upon us and in our endeavor to keep everyone safe and secure during the upcoming winter snow season we have provided each home with buckets of ice melt, scoops and shovels.  Those of you who require addition items please let us know so we can facilitate your needs.  We will be taking care of the plowing and shoveling, however, in the unlikely event that we are not able to get to you exactly when you need us we have provided the shovels, ice melt and scoops.  

As always we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year for any emergencies that may occur.  Call on call at 774-487-9501. If no response at that number call David King, Director of Facilities on 508-221-7880. 

Have a safe and Happy New Year from all your friends in Facilities/Maintenance.

Barbara Hill
Maintenance Office Assistant

“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
~William Blake

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