Monthly students graduation from Latham Centers Children’s Program. Students and friends, teachers and aides, family and guardians come together to celebrate the achievements of each resident. This past month we saw Evie graduate. She made a huge impact on so many during her time in our Children’s program.
With the crowd applauding, Evie sat at the front of the room and gazed at all of her supporters. Her mother and best friends were visibly proud of the huge strides that she had taken. She was presented with a beautiful quilt made by the local quilters, and was handed her graduation certificate. Evie gave a heartfelt speech about her experiences at Latham Centers, and staff spoke about her moving onto the Latham Centers adult program!
While a few speeches were heard, her Clinician, Beth (seen in the above video), spoke about her leadership abilities and her progress. As milestones were mentioned in speeches, tears flowed in the audiences eyes. We are so proud of Evie for all of her accomplishments, and as Beth said, “…her friends in this room, the teacher’s that inspired her with all kinds of experiences around the Cape. That has helped her grow, as well as her desire to grow….it’s Evie, and everyone here, [that lead to her success].”
Don’t forget to turn the volume up for this slideshow!