On Tuesday, March 29th our Adult Residents were treated to a personal training class hosted by Jamie Hoffman, from Fitness Revolution. This marks the second training from Jamie, who has come to know our residents quite well.
This wellness program started in 2015 with grant funding from CHNA (Community Health Network Area 27), which supports community-based health initiatives. In collaboration with Arc of Cape Cod and Community Connections Adult Residents with special needs on Cape Cod participated in a Positive Behavioral Support Program. Residents were given the opportunity, through incentives and trainings, to improve upon his or her health in the areas of smoking cessation, staying in shape, healthy eating and personal hygiene. Thank you so much to CHNA for providing Latham Centers, Arc of Cape Cod and Community Connections for this amazing opportunity.
First, Jamie Hoffman came in September and reviewed Exercise band activities with the residents. Jamie then offered to further his training by teaching body weight, balance ball, and hand weight exercises. All equipment was purchased with CHNA Grant funding, and the Adult Residential Staff are implementing a regular exercise class in order to continue using these great materials. Jamie finished by providing Latham Centers with an exercise list which includes but isn’t limited to:
-Running in Place
-Jumping Jacks
-Push-ups and Crunches
-Hop Squats
-Front and Side Raises
-Overhead Presses and Extensions
-Hamstring Curls
It was incredibly uplifting to see Jamie manipulating the work-out for each resident depending on his or her spectrum of mobility and balance. The 18 participants fed off of Jamie’s enthusiasm and expertise, and walked away with smiles on their faces, asking, “when can we do this again!?”