August staff awards: Children’s Program honors Krystal, Jenna, and Orione

We’re happy to recognize three Children’s team members who received “Staff of the Month” awards for August.  Residential Director Gina Sheehan highlighted the award recipients’ excellence:

Krystal Ketler, Residential Behavior Specialist: Krystal works every shift, and she is always willing to help out. Krystal’s energy is positive and contagious. She motivates the students to participate in campus and community programming.

Jenna Losordo, Medical Assistant: Jenna is always there to help. She takes students to medical appointments and helps them to remain calm and safe.

Orione Bean, Residential 1:1 Counselor: Orione is willing to work through any issue. She is dedicated, calm, and it is obvious she cares very much about the students. She can deal with any difficult situation to help support the students.


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