Adult Services’ Ben Mundy shares the joy of “Jaunting Jolly”
December 6, 2018
Latham Centers was represented at Special Olympics’ Jolly Jaunt fundraiser on Sunday. Our Assistant Director of Adult Services, Benjamin Mundy, shares his experiences below:
“Every so often, the fates conspire to grant you an opportunity to give back to the community in a meaningful way. Sometimes, they get creative and add one or two twists to make the occasion that much more memorable. Sunday, December 2, 2018, was just such an occasion when representatives from the Latham Centers Adult Services program participated in the Annual Jolly Jaunt 5K in Hyannis, Massachusetts! The weather was cold and rainy, but that did not diminish the enthusiasm of the participants! Director of Adult Services Gina Sheehan was there cheering on the team as we ran the full 5K in the rain and wind. Following her lead, I jumped in rain puddles and foolishly challenged the sea-born winds to “Come at me!” Holiday songs were sung (mostly in tune, though perhaps a bit labored) while the participants alternated between a light jog and a brisk walk. It was a great time for fund raising, team building, and getting acquainted with new people! We are looking forward to growing the team, improving our time, and having even more fun next year!”
Tomorrow, a guest Latham blogger returns to share more about the Jolly Jaunt in his submission, “Living Healthy and Happy with PWS.”