Urgent message from ADDP and the Collaborative: Help is needed now
July 26, 2022
In case you missed this important, time-sensitive message from the Collaborative:
We are very pleased to report that our collective efforts to elevate the human services workforce crisis with the Legislature continues to be successful. Recently, the Senate included $250 million in its Economic Development bill to fund supplemental workforce payments for Chapter 257 services over the next two years. This is $150 million above the House allocation, and includes several important provisions:
$100 million to increase payments for Ch.257 direct care, front-line and medical and clinical staff rates in FY 2023. This construct is substantially similar to existing supplemental workforce payments in terms of allowable uses; and
$150 million to increase rates above the current 50th percentile of Bureau of Labor Statistics benchmarks for salaries beginning in FY 2024.