TIP of the WEEK: Preparing For the Hospital
We never want to think our kids will need to spend any time in the hospital but a little preparation goes a long way with this unique syndrome. If you are fortunate enough to have time to prepare your child ahead of time, do so. Take a trip before his or her admission to see the unit, meet the nurses and get an idea of what a hospital room looks like. Most hospitals that serve children will be happy to accommodate a pre-visit of this sort. Talk to the kitchen staff ahead of time and get a menu and be sure to stay as close to their typical food and calories as usual. Don’t set yourself up for the hospital being a place where extra and/or special food is obtained. There is nothing worse than a child faking serious symptoms just to get to the hospital for extra food. If this is a concern, the hospital will allow you to bring your own food in.
Try to arrange for a family member of friend to be with your child if you cannot be. Hospital staff will likely have very limited experience with PWS and issues like sensitivity to anesthesia, high pain tolerance, fabrication of the truth and high anxiety may be overlooked or misinterpreted. Stay as close to your home routine as possible. Favorite games, toys or sensory items can be brought with your child in most cases.
The ultimate goal is getting your child healthy and back home but good communication and pre-planning will make your hospital stay more tolerable for everyone involved.
Submitted by:
Patrice Carroll
Manager of PWS Services