Tip of the Week: Parents again

The number one wish that we hear from parents is that they want their child to feel like they are part of a community. So many students come to us from schools where they felt like an outsider, maybe had been bullied or picked on, and overall just did not feel like part of the group. When parents see their kids making friends – real friends – and being woven in seamlessly to our campus community, they realize that all of the sacrifices of getting their child to Latham, and the ultimate sacrifice of having them move away from home, is all worth it in the end.

We cannot thank the parent community enough for trusting us and for sharing their children with us. We are forever grateful for having the opportunity to know and to help your families.


Patrice Carroll, Latham Centers’ Director of PWS Services, is world-renowned for her Prader-Willi syndrome expertise. She works with Latham students and residents, their families, and other experts, continuously learning and teaching about PWS best practices. If you have PWS-related questions, we invite you to email TipTopics@LathamCenters.org.

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