Tip of the Week: FPWR conference resources

I presented at the first virtual Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR) conference on October 13th. This year’s conference had been planned to be held in Chicago but went virtual due to Covid-19. Over 900 attendees joined to hear from physicians, clinicians, and research programs to gain a better understanding of what’s new in the world of PWS. We heard all of the latest updates on clinical trials as well as tele-health opportunities for social skills groups. All of the presentations will be available on the FPWR Youtube channel on November 1, 2020.


Patrice Carroll, Latham Centers’ Director of PWS Services, is world-renowned for her Prader-Willi syndrome expertise. She works with Latham students and residents, their families, and other experts, continuously learning and teaching about PWS best practices. If you have PWS-related questions, we invite you to email TipTopics@LathamCenters.org.

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