The Arc of Massachusetts creates pressing #DontCutUsOut campaign

Latham Centers urges our staff, families, friends, and neighbors to take a few minutes of your time to advocate for funding for services for adults with disabilities, including those served by Latham Centers and other programs throughout the Commonwealth.

The Arc of Massachusetts’ campaign “#DontCutUsOut” is summarized here – the page includes a direct link to contact Governor Baker, Speaker DeLeo, and Senate President Spilka regarding the urgent need for funding.  

Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities served by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), including those who receive Day Habilitation services funded by MassHealth, will lose services if funding and policies don’t meet the requirements of the re-opening period and thereafter. The campaign #DontCutUsOut is to ensure that our safety net continues.  The network of services for adults with disabilities will not recover if decisions for additional funds and flexible policies are delayed. Please help by responding to The Arc’s #DontCutUsOut campaign and sending an email to the Governor, with copies to Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Spilka.

Let your voice be heard! Joining The Arc’s #DontCutUsOut campaign will help ensure funding for the services adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities need. We hope you will share the campaign with your Massachusetts friends and family members. In this extremely challenging budget year, this funding is crucial to support the individuals we serve. Thank you!

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