Staff Spotlight: Kristin Albano, 2022 William McClennan Award Recipient
July 25, 2022
Congratulations to Kristin Albano, recipient of the William McClennan Award announced at Latham Centers’ Year-End Celebration last month. Gina Sheehan, Director of Adult Services, presented the award to Kris:
“If you look up Administrative Assistant in the dictionary, you will find the following definition: a person whose job is to support an executive, a group, department, or organization especially by handling administrative tasks (such as data entry, correspondence, filing, and scheduling appointments). Well, that doesn’t cut it when we are talking about Kristin Albano. Kris is a jack of all trades and wearer of many hats. Behind the scenes, often without direction, she is someplace somewhere helping this place run better for the students and adults we serve.
Kris works after-hours in our programs on her time each week. She is a certified practitioner on the healing properties and use of essential oils. She shares this education weekly at the adult group homes during activities and projects. She has arranged for and run program dances, parties, and celebrations for us all. Kris works with Marshall’s to pick up and set up opportunities for program participants to choose from a huge number of donations of new clothes, shoes, housewares, and so forth for themselves, their families, and those they love.
When the pandemic struck, it was Kris who worked day and night to locate and procure PPE, which was nearly an impossible task. It simply was not available. We got it and it would not have been possible without her help. Kris managed the inventory of all PPE and related cleaning products and clothing that our Programs desperately needed.
Kris “gets it”. In this world we call Latham, that goes a long way! She makes our jobs more doable and makes challenging work more fun. With a bit of sass and complete confidence, she’ll get you what you need. Most times, you don’t even have to ask. Kris, you are appreciated and valued. Thank you for your incredible contribution to Latham. Congratulations!”
Pictured: Kris Albano with Lee Chamberlain (left) and Gina Sheehan (right).